There are professionals who will take care of my newborn at NIGHT so I can SLEEP!?

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Hiring an overnight doula or newborn care specialist can help new parents in so many wonderful ways:

One of the main things that clients talk with me about both prenatally and postpartum is SLEEP. Expecting parents are sometimes actually scared of the lack of sleep they expect and how they will deal with it. New parents are living with that sleep deficiency. There are ways to maximize your sleep and make your night wake ups more efficient but those are for another newsletter. Here I want to talk about what overnight postpartum pros do and how they can make a difference in your postpartum journey.

Some of the many benefits include:

  • Time and space to rest and recover. Pregnancy and birth are taxing on the body no matter your experience. And now you have to get up every 2-3 hours (or more) in the night to care for your newborn. Let a seasoned pro take care of baby a few nights a week so you can recuperate.
  • An expert will be there who knows all about newborns and is experienced in what's normal for newborn sleep, bottle feeding, diaper changing, swaddling and soothing babies.
  • Doula and Newborn Care Specialists are also usually well-versed in breast and chest feeding and can answer questions, help with latch and trouble shoot with you. They'll bring baby to you for feeding and then take care of all the other details so you can go back to sleep.
  • Overnight support is super helpful for partners too! This way BOTH parents can re-charge and be fresh and ready to face another day of newborn parenting in the morning.
  • Overnight doulas often take care of light housework while you sleep as well. This can look like doing the dishes, emptying the dishwasher, cleaning the bottles and pump parts, doing and folding laundry, restocking diaper stations, general tidying and some light food prep. They will only do these things if it won't disturb the sleeping parents though!
  • Having someone trustworthy to take of your baby which, in turn, takes care of you can reduce stress and give you peace of mind so you can SLEEP.

New Family Needs is building a team of overnight professionals available in all areas of greater Boston to support you and your needs!

Please feel free to reach out for a free consultation.

I'd love to hear from you! If you've got questions about overnight support or would like to share a story about your experience, please respond directly to this email.

We support expecting and new parents prenatally with group and one on one childbirth and newborn classes and after baby arrives with postpartum support, lactation consultations, sleep consulting (coming soon!) parent groups and special events.

Create Art with Your Baby Spring Event is THIS FRIDAY!

Masterclasses and Postpartum New Parent Groups May and June!

Client Testimonial:

"Hilary was there to support us during challenging times, as well as celebrate milestones and little victories. We cannot recommend Hilary enough and will be forever grateful for the impact she had on our family!"

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Thank you so much for sticking with me and I look FORWARD to getting to know one another!


Go from pregnant to parent with confidence. We've got your New Family Needs covered.

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New Family Needs

Hi! I'm Hilary (she/her) and I'm so glad you're here! I started my work as a Doula supporting families with new babies in 2019. But I really started in 2008 when I became pregnant with my first child. My passion for helping parents to navigate the amazing and sometimes crazy transition to becoming parents was born when I became a new parent myself. I've LIVED and LEARNED the pregnancy, labor and postpartum experience through my own personal life and through my hundreds of clients. I am honored, thrilled and humbled to join you on your journey.

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