Your body and your baby are SMART!!

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Your body and your baby innately know what to do.

YOU are the hero of your own pregnancy, birth and postpartum story. You are SO smart, smarter than you likely give yourself credit for. If you are pregnant or have recently had a baby, remember that your body was made to do this. It is brilliant and it knows what to do.

You might more easily believe this to be true during pregnancy. Sure, you probably have some worries along the way, but you probably have faith that your baby will grow according to plan and that your body will support that growth. Maybe this is because we have very little control over this process. But, somehow, we are often able to give it over to our bodies to handle.

When it comes to birth? Sometimes you wish to grab the reins back and try to steer the course. Amiright? But, your body really really knows what it's doing during labor. Your body and your baby work together in harmony to start labor and take baby on the journey from inside to outside. The more you can cut out the noise (and fear), the more your body and baby can tune into one another to do this awesome work.

Moreover, your baby is also super savvy. Have you heard of the breast crawl? This is when babies placed on their birthing parent's chest right after birth find their way to the nipple, on their own!, to have their first meal. Witnessing this (live or on video - check it out here) blows most people's minds. But newborns have survival instincts just like you do. They know what to ask for and how to get it. For example, they have many reflexes, which fade over time, that help them to survive and thrive - like rooting, crying, mouthing, and many more.

Try to trust in your body and your baby as best you can. Strip away the overwhelming volume of information and look inside.

Am I saying to skip the childbirth, newborn and infant feeding classes? Nope! I teach these, after all, for a reason. Our bodies know what to do but sometimes are brains feel like they forgot. Or we just don't trust. Further, most of us don't grow up learning all about pregnancy, birth and newborns as part of our day-to-day life. So, it's not your fault if you don't 'just know' everything and, therefore, it can be really helpful (and calming) to enroll in some classes.

"Try to trust in your body and your baby as best you can. Strip away the overwhelming volume of information and look inside."

I'd love to hear your stories and how you put your trust in your body and your baby! If you wish to share, reply directly to this email.

I support expecting and new parents prenatally with group and one on one childbirth and newborn classes, postpartum support, lactation consultations, parent groups and special events.

Create Art with Your Baby - Mother's and Father's Day Event!

Masterclasses and Postpartum New Parent Groups this May and June!

Client Testimonial:

"Hilary is one that puts her heart into what she does and it shows. Even though our postpartum support is over, I feel like she’ll always be there!"

If you've read this far, thank you! I am truly honored and humbled that you'd trust me on this journey. I have a favor to ask you. Since you've made it all the way to the bottom, would you mind going back to the top, clicking the FORWARD button and sending this to a pregnant friend or family member? I'll even share what you can say: 'I've found this amazing resource for all things pregnancy, labor, postpartum and newborns and I'd love for you to enjoy it too!' Or...something like that.

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For more, check out my blog here.

Thank you so much for sticking with me and I look FORWARD to getting to know one another!


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New Family Needs

Hi! I'm Hilary (she/her) and I'm so glad you're here! I started my work as a Doula supporting families with new babies in 2019. But I really started in 2008 when I became pregnant with my first child. My passion for helping parents to navigate the amazing and sometimes crazy transition to becoming parents was born when I became a new parent myself. I've LIVED and LEARNED the pregnancy, labor and postpartum experience through my own personal life and through my hundreds of clients. I am honored, thrilled and humbled to join you on your journey.

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