Wear your baby like a boss!

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Wear your baby like a boss.

If you have worked with me or know me at all, you probably know that I'm obsessed with baby wearing! I wore my second baby (and had big dreams to wear my first but that's a story for another day). Before I became a doula, I always gifted wraps to friends and family who were expecting babies. I still do! And! I wear my client babies ALL the time, almost every single shift, in fact. Why?

My favorite reasons to wear a baby:

  • They love it. I have not met a baby yet who didn't love being worn in a soft wrap. Really truly and I've worked with 100s of families. Pro tip: It may take getting comfortable with the wrap and making sure you've got it right for them to love it too. There is some practice involved but it's totally worth it. Trust me.
  • It's a great place for baby to take a long nap. If you're looking for an (almost) foolproof way to get baby at least one long nap per day, wear them. It's like actual magic.
  • It's very soothing for baby. They are close to your heart, warm and snuggly, being held and taken care of. It's the closest thing to the womb that you can create on the outside. And, just because I referenced the womb doesn't mean partners, grandparents and doulas can't wear your baby too (if you want)!
  • Wearing your baby properly in a nice snug wrap leaves your hands free, your back and baby supported and gives you time and space to do all sorts of tasks if you want. Also? You can go for a walk, bounce on the ball or sit in the rocker and read a book - all while baby wearing. Pro tip: If you're the baby's parent, you can also use the bathroom with the baby in the wrap. I mean, sometimes nature calls.... As your doula, though, I would never do this!! lol
  • Don't want to lug the car seat and stroller into the store? Put your wrap on yourself BEFORE leaving the house (wraps are comfy and you'll barely notice it's there). Then, when you arrive to your destination, you can simply pop baby into the wrap and be on your way (with your hands completely free I might add).
  • In my book, it's a win-win and a necessity to modern baby parenting when often you're on your own with baby for extended amounts of time.

I especially love soft wraps for babies 3 months and under (but they can be used all throughout toddlerhood too). They allow baby to fully snuggle to your chest, the wrap contours around the baby and they keep your center of gravity high, protecting your back. Oh, and this is an excellent place for me to mention that I have all sorts of back issues and I LOVE wearing a baby in a soft wrap because when you tie it right, the support is unmatched. Baby knows they are safe and so do you.

I love baby wearing SO much that I even have an affiliate code for Solly Baby wraps. After 100 times of suggesting one particular product, it just makes good sense to jump on board and even get you a discount in the process.

https://glnk.io/mzm9y/newfamilyneeds - my Solly link

newfamilyneeds10 - my Solly discount code

I'd love to hear what your favorite baby wrap or carrier is and why you love it! Also, if you have a wrap or are considering getting one, please feel free to reply directly to this email with questions. I'm here for you!

We support expecting and new parents prenatally with group and one on one childbirth and newborn classes and after baby arrives with postpartum support, lactation consultations, sleep consulting (coming soon!) parent groups and special events.

Create Art with Your Baby - Mother's and Father's Day Event!

Masterclasses and Postpartum New Parent Groups this May and June!

Client Testimonial:

"Hilary is a mom herself and knows what its like to navigate the vulnerable stages of coming home with a newborn. I could not recommend her enough and we will be calling her again once we have another baby! "

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Thank you so much for sticking with me and I look FORWARD to getting to know one another!


Go from pregnant to parent with confidence. We've got your New Family Needs covered.

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New Family Needs

Hi! I'm Hilary (she/her) and I'm so glad you're here! I started my work as a Doula supporting families with new babies in 2019. But I really started in 2008 when I became pregnant with my first child. My passion for helping parents to navigate the amazing and sometimes crazy transition to becoming parents was born when I became a new parent myself. I've LIVED and LEARNED the pregnancy, labor and postpartum experience through my own personal life and through my hundreds of clients. I am honored, thrilled and humbled to join you on your journey.

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